Information for Bachelor students in Vehicle Engineering, specialising in internal combustion engines

Thesis preparation guide for students of Vehicle Engineering BSc (Hungarian, English)

Documents concerning the thesis  (can be downloaded by clicking on the name of the document): 


Hungarian English
Bírálati útmutató Thesis assessment guidelines and form
Bírálati lap
Konzultációs lap Consultation Form
Titoktartási nyilatkozat Initiating confidential treatment of theses

Titkosítási kérelem / 

Titkosítási kérelem Audi Hungaria Zrt.

Initiating confidential handling of theses
Szakdolgozat sablon Thesis sample
Feladatkiíró lap Thesis task assignment form
Szakdolgozatvédés sablon Presentation template


Graduating BSc students have to take up the thesis subject in the term of graduation (NGB_BM099_1, LGB_BM099_1). Alongside this, taking up the subject of Professional Project (NGB_BM012_1, LGB_BM012_1) is also compulsory.

The thesis needs to be at least 45 pages long (both for distance learning and full-time students).

The following thesis sample will help you to externalize your thesis: Thesis external sample

The thesis will be submitted to the secretariat of the Internal Combustion Engine Department, and be uploaded to the webpage of the University Library. (In case of any questions don’t hesitate to ask the University Library. When uploading even the signed and scanned Confidentiality Request needs to be uploaded. Uploading Guidelines.)

For the defence of the thesis it is compulsory for the students to use the following sample slides: Presentation template

Please note that the deadline is fixed and cannot be extended or changed due to it being electronic submission.